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8 Reasons to Study Internationally

Worldwide College Tours • November 22, 2021

The way we consume digital media continues to escalate as the advances in technology constantly reaches new heights. From streams of live feeds to posts of high-resolution photos, you can turn on your phone and be virtually transported to anywhere in the world. 

Scrolling through Instagram, you can sit with strangers while they enjoy a cup of espresso from a Paris café. Or you can click on a story, and you can almost feel the cool draft along your legs as the boomerang shows a heavy snowfall cascading over a deserted street in the Great White North- also known as Canada. There are no limits on where you can go when it comes to technology. The whole world is yours to explore digitally. However, it does not need to remain digital! A lot of students decide to break through the walls of technology and pursue a post-secondary education abroad to experience the world in person. Aside from the experience, there are many other reasons why students choose to study internationally at a college or university.  

Our Top 8 Reasons to Study Internationally

Experience New Ways of Living 

As previously mentioned, not only to do you get to experience the world in person, but you also get to experience a new way of living! It is one thing to travel to a new country as a tourist, but a whole other to live there as a temporary student resident. You will be able to have a first-hand experience of a new culture, as you partake in the country’s various traditions and learn the local history. You will be able to try local food, experience new art, listen to different music, and so much more. 

As you become involved with the people around you, making new friends and connections, you will be able to learn how to effectively communicate with people from different backgrounds. You will be able to fully immerse yourself and truly partake in the culture that is around you- which is something that cannot be learned through a screen. 

Travel the World While Receiving an Education 

Achieve your travel dreams while accomplishing your educational goals! 

It can be quite nerve-wracking to travel alone for the first time, however, the skills you will learn while traveling abroad will be transferable throughout your life. Learning to navigate a new terrain will set you up for success as you navigate through your future goals and careers. 

Additionally, as an international student, you are likely to be abroad in the country for at least one academic year. Even if your program is shorter than that, you can still take advantage of travelling the country you are living in. Take weekend trips to new cities to further experience the countries culture and find the hidden gems that are not on the standard tourist map. 

You are already there, so why not make the most of your travel? 

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone + Gain Independence 

Which brings us to our new point: stepping out of your comfort zone! 

 Stepping out of your comfort zone begins when you first apply to a college or university abroad and you will keep stepping out even after you have arrived. However, do not be afraid. All of this will allow you to grow as an individual and you will be able to gain independence- which will help you in your adult life post-graduation as you take on your new-found confidence. 

Throughout your study abroad experience, you will grow in ways you would not be able to if you had stayed at home. This considerable step out of your comfort zone will influence the way you work, live, and learn in all aspects of life- and all in a way that benefits you as a person! 

Helps You Stand Out to Future Employers 

Pair your ability to be independent with your cross-cultural and international skills, and you will be a prime candidate for future employers. Having an international education on your resume will grant you more opportunities after graduation. No matter where we are from, the whole world itself is becoming more globalized, which means employers worldwide are seeking individuals who have global experience. 

Additionally, all the skills you will gain from your international experience, including the ones mentioned in this post and more, will all hold great value even during the interview process. You will actively present yourself as a confident, mature, and independent individual. As well, you will have a proven track record of being able to navigate new and challenging situations. These traits will show employers you have the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that so many of them look for in employees. 

Study at a School with a Different Teaching Style 

You have already obtained your high school diploma in your home country, so why not experience how another country teaches? 


Experiencing the teaching methods and styles of a country unlike your own will help broaden your educational experience. You will be able to learn in ways you have not before. Perhaps your education up until now has been strictly textbook based, however, the school you choose is driven by group discussions and hands-on experience, where the professor encourages you to share your thoughts on the learning material. Just think of how different your school journey will be in such an engaging atmosphere! 

Wherever you decide to study abroad, you will be able to learn in different ways, as every region has different rules regarding their curriculum. 


Study Something That Might Not Be Offered Where You Live 

Do not limit your educational experience to your country’s borders. In the same way you will be able to learn in a different teaching environment, you can also study something that might not be available in your home country. Expand your horizons and allow yourself to follow your dreams based on what you want to study, not what is available to study. 

Practice or Learn a Second Language 

There is something to be said about learning a new language in a country that speaks it fluently. Sure, you can use an assortment of online tools or participate in online language classes, but you will become better fluent in a country where their national dialect is different from your own. 

Keep in mind that most schools will require you to prove your ability to speak, write, and learn in their institution’s language of instruction, however, do not let this discourage you as this can differ from the host country’s national language! For example, in Canada the national language is English, but some post-secondary schools in Quebec will have their language of instruction be in French. Therefore, if you are already fluent in French, but want to practice your English skills, you can still do that there. 

Take Advantage of International Funding 

One of the primary reasons students hold back from even looking at international schools is the assumption that it is going to cost too much. However, what students do not realize is that there are lots of opportunities out there to receive international funding! 

The government sees the value in students pursuing an international education, as they come home with life and personal skills that can add great value to the economy. Due to this, there are often scholarships, grants, and bursaries available from your home country to help with the cost. As well, a lot of schools have specific scholarships reserved to help their international students with the financial aspect of post-secondary education. These scholarships can provide aid to help with tuition, textbooks, housing, or any other aspect regarding the cost of living. There are even some organizations and companies that offer financial aid for international students! 

Ready To Get Started? 

As you can see, there are many great benefits to studying internationally. Not only is an international education experience good for you throughout your educational journey, but it will also aid you in life and your career post-graduation. 

To help you discover programs and post-secondary institutions worldwide, we have virtual fairs where you can learn how you too can study internationally. Our fairs provide you with the chance to engage with admission representatives from colleges and universities across the globe. Ask them any questions you may have regarding the international application process, what type of scholarships they offer, what their campus life is like, and anything else you may want to know more about! 

Additionally, if you are looking for more information on studying internationally in the USA, our College Admissions Guide: USA Edition is now available! It covers everything you need to know about studying abroad in the USA, including: 

  • Types of schools 
  • Types of programs 
  • Visas 
  • Scholarships 
  • Financial aid 
  • And more! 

Purchase your copy today! 

Buy Now: College Admissions Guide
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