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Do You Need TOEFL or IELTS to study in Canada and the USA?

Worldwide College Tours • October 25, 2021

Canada and the USA are both popular choices for international students when it comes to postsecondary education. Not only are the countries' education systems ranked to be some of the highest in the world, but both countries are known for being incredibly diverse and multicultural - having long since opened their doors to immigrants and students across the globe. Despite how exciting the prospect of studying abroad in Canada or the USA might be, there are two important tests to consider: 

1) TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language 

2) IELTS: International English Language Testing System 

If you are from a country where the national language is English, you will likely not have to take either test. If you are from a country that has a national language that is not English, chances are you will have to take either the TOEFL or IELTS. Make sure you check the requirements with the school to see if you are required to take either test, even if your national language is English. 

Before we dive too deep into school requirements and whether these tests are something you will be required to have, let us first understand what each test is specifically and how they compare. 

Do You Need to Take the TOEFL?

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is designed to test your English skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The test questions are formed around the practice of how you would respond in an authentic academic setting, providing you with material as if you were on campus. The TOEFL takes four hours to complete, which includes short breaks scattered throughout. 

TOEFL is available to take in over 140 countries and TOEFL scores are accepted by colleges and universities in over 130 countries. It is often conducted as an online test, which is referred to as a TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test). However, there is a paper-based option available if the center does not have an internet connection. 

You will receive a score between 0 to 120 points. Each of the above-mentioned sections (reading, writing, listening, speaking) is worth up to 30 and you will also receive a score in each one alongside your total. Before you take the test, it is a good idea to know what score you need to achieve on the TOEFL to be accepted by your chosen school. This will allow you to adequately prepare for the test. 

Do You Need to Take the IELTS?

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a test that is meant to judge your ability to read, write, listen to, and speak English. Trusted worldwide, an IELTS score is accepted by over 11,000 organizations across the globe. 

The IELTS has two different tests that are offered: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. Very briefly, the Academic test is if you are seeking to take a degree level course or higher through a university or college. Whereas the General Training test is geared towards individuals looking to study below a degree level (for example, high school or lower) or to work in the desired country. Since this article is primarily focused on students looking to study in Canada or the USA, we will focus on the IELTS Academic test. 

To test your ability to read, write, understand, and speak English, the Academic test includes graphs, diagrams, and illustrations. It holds a great emphasis on real-world communication skills, especially during the spoken conversation with an examiner. This interview is recorded and lasts about 11 to 14 minutes. In light of COVID-19, some centers are offering the interview through video call format. 

The IELTS can either be computer-delivered or paper-based. Either method provides you with the same test, the only difference is you type your answers for the computer-delivered method, versus writing them down for the paper-based test. 

Scores for the IELTS are given on a band system from 1 to 9 and scores for each section (read, write, listen to, speak) are averaged out to give the final score. Again, similar to TOEFL, it is a good idea to know what score you are needing to attend your chosen college or university. 

What is the difference between TOEFL and IELTS? 

The TOEFL and IELTS tests are generally very similar, as they both test your abilities and competency with the English language. Some schools you apply to might leave it up to you to decide which test you want to go through with. To understand what one might be best for you, let us compare the two tests. 

First, a majority of the questions on the TOEFL test are multiple-choice, whereas the IELTS test has a variety of question formats. These formats include short answers where you will have to create your answer and write it down, opposed to choosing the answer in the multiple-choice format of the TOEFL. 

Second, the texts are different for the reading sections of each. Since the TOEFL is testing your ability to succeed in an academic environment, the passages in the reading section are extracted from academic tests. This has the potential to have passages with challenging vocabulary and concepts. However, even though the IELTS also has academic texts, it includes passages from newspapers and magazines. This means the context could be a little bit easier to understand. 

Lastly, the main difference is the IELTS has an interview with an actual human for the speaking section. Instead of an interview, for the TOEFL test, you will hear recorded questions to which you will answer by speaking into a microphone. 

Which test you will find easier to obtain the score you need is dependent on how confident or comfortable you are with the different formats regarding the English language. Of course, there is a chance the school you choose will only accept one over the other. 

In the meantime, let us review Canadian and USA schools to see if you need a TOEFL or IELTS test score to apply. Keep in mind, this is under the impression that you are a first-year undergrad applicant. Additionally, this is under the assumption you also have no previous school experience in Canada or the USA. 

Do You Need to Take the TOEFL or IELTS to

Study in Canada and the USA? 

If you want to apply to a Canadian College or University... 

If you are looking to study at a Canadian university or college, there is a high chance you will have to prove your ability to read, write, and speak in English as most schools have their language of instruction is English. The test is typically required to determine your ability to successfully learn in an English-speaking environment. It is important to note there is a wide range of different English Proficiency tests most schools will accept. The TOEFL and IELTS test are generally a part of this list. If you are coming from a country whose national language is English, your country will likely be on an exempt country list. Canada’s secondary language is French, so keep that in mind when you are looking into schools, as some universities and colleges also have French instruction campuses. Colleges also offer certificate and diploma programs alongside degree programs, so when you are looking at what scores you need to obtain, make sure you are looking under the appropriate section! 

If you want to apply to a US College or University... 

Like Canada, universities and colleges in the USA are generally taught in English. If you are from an English-speaking country, you will likely be exempt from taking an English Language Proficiency Test. However, most universities and colleges have a variety of tests for their applicants to take, including the TOEFL and IELTS. Before you book an appointment for any test though, it is incredibly important to know what test scores your school of choice will accept. Some universities have up to five different options, whereas some colleges have only three. Additionally, some universities have a certain score you will need to be accepted into the university, but specific degree programs might require a higher score. Therefore, always thoroughly research what scores you will need for your specific program of choice, so that you may prepare adequately. 

How to Prepare to Take the TOEFL or IELTS 

If you are ready to apply to a Canadian or American school, visit some of the resources below to start preparing for your TOEFL or IELTS test: 

TOEFL iBT® Practice Tests

TOEFL iBT® Test Locations and Dates

How to prepare - IELTS

Sample test questions - IELTS

Lastly, we have created a one-stop guide for you, your parents/guardians, and guidance counsellors. It is called College Admissions Guide: USA Edition and can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes, and Noble, or BookBaby. The guide is a great source that provides you with everything you need to know about studying abroad in the USA. It covers topics such as the application process, scholarships options, visas, financing, how your parents/guardians and guidance counselors can support you during the process, and more! Applying to college and university overseas can be a complicated process, but we are here to make the process easier for you. 

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