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Maximize Your Recruitment Efforts Year-Round

Worldwide College Tours • October 25, 2021

Student recruitment varies based on the time of year. This reflects how universities and colleges offer different courses depending on the time of year. For the majority of degrees, programs, and fields of study, the academic year is broken up into 3 terms: the academic year is broken up into 3 terms: Fall (September-December), Winter (January-April), and Spring/Summer (May-August). The Fall and Winter terms are standard across a majority of postsecondary institutions, while the Spring and Summer terms are often referred to as “summer break”. However, some schools do offer optional or limited courses during the summer months. Due to these various terms, the recruitment process is also going to vary depending on if it is Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer. To ensure you can best plan your international recruitment efforts, it is important to understand how exactly the different seasons contrast in relation to postsecondary education and what to expect during each of them. 

Recruiting International Students in the Fall Season

Fall is the busiest time of the year for recruitments. At this time, you should be planning to use a higher budget. As a recruiter, you will be connecting with students who are interested in studying in the fall. For undergraduate-level programs, this will typically be students in grade 12 who are wanting to study immediately after graduating. However, during this time you will also encounter students in grade 11. These younger students are planning which courses they should be taking in grade 12 so they can best prepare themselves to be successful and to get early acceptance. Students in grade 11 or 12 often already know what they want to study, but they are unsure about which school or country. Since most students who want to study internationally plan ahead, they begin looking at their options as they enter their final years in high school. 

Additionally, most programs have a fall start date, opposed to a winter or spring/summer one, due to the academic year beginning in fall. Students who have already previously graduated and are looking to begin or continue their education will likely be looking for information in the fall for the following year. To ensure you have a smooth recruiting process, your institution should have a CRM system in place by this time. This way you will be able to easily automate and manage communications with prospective students. Admissions offices should plan to join virtual fairs, in-person events (where available), host online meetings, and reconnect with guidance counselors during the fall. 

Recruiting International Students in the Winter Season

Although the academic year starts in the fall, that does not defer all students away from winter enrollment. There are a few different reasons why students could be looking to enroll for the winter term. Some examples are that they could have missed their fall opportunity because they needed to upgrade a specific course, missed the initial enrollment, or even had personal issues to attend to at home that prevented them from leaving. Whichever is the case, it is important to assure students that beginning their studies in winter can be a positive attribute to their long-term educational goals. Since the winter term is still technically a part of the main academic school year, students can still expect to have a wide range of courses to choose from, even if the choices are different or not as many as the fall. Additionally, studying in winter can also allow students to get a head start on their studies, opposed to beginning the following fall after having missed their initial fall enrollment. If they cannot begin core program courses, they can begin their electives or other first-year mandatory courses, which can be carried through into the spring/summer term if the student chooses to. Of course, it is also important to highlight to potential students what related programs your institution offers that begin in winter. 

Winter will be just as busy as the fall was for recruiting. During this time, you will be connecting with students who want to submit their applications immediately. The connections made in winter will require more specific answers by admissions representatives about the testing, visa, and school application process. 

Recruiting International Students in the Spring Season


Recruitment slows down in spring, but that does not mean there are no students out there looking for international education. Similar to winter enrollment, spring is also a great time for students to get a head start on their studies or enroll themselves in extra courses for the spring/summer term. These could be potential students who have taken a break after completing their high school diploma and are looking to kick start their postsecondary education, or they could be mature students who are ready to change career paths. The spring/summer term does not have as many offered programs or courses as the fall term does, therefore as a recruiter you need to highlight to potential students if any programs at your institution begin during the spring/summer term and what type of courses students can hope to take. 

We know the springtime is busy at the admissions department as you deal with applications flooding in and acceptance letters needing to be shared. However, this is not the time to overlook recruitment efforts! You will still want to connect with the late applicants and students who want to get involved in summer camps. Joining a few spring events can help keep your student lead database fresh. 

Recruiting International Students in the Summer Season

The summer season might be considered “slow” for recruitment, as most students are gearing up for fall. Despite this, it is still a beneficial time to put in the effort for recruitment. Most potential students have more free time during the summer, as they are on some form of summer break. Not only do students have more time for your efforts, but they have more time to put in the research for schools and programs they might want to proceed with. Make that research go a little bit smoother for them by showcasing what makes your school so unique. Additionally, since it is a slower season for recruitment, there is going to be less competition, which allows for your institution to shine through for potential students. This is the perfect time to work on editing your CRM system and to follow up with any students who might have fallen through the CRM system's cracks. Additionally, during this slower season, it is a great time to begin planning recruitment efforts for the next year and reviewing your budget per season. 

Worldwide College Tours Recommendations

Having been in the international student recruitment field for over 5 years now, here at Worldwide College Tours we have some recommendations to help you maximize your recruitment efforts at any time of the year: 


  • Join our year-round Explore Fairs as an exhibitor to connect with students who want to learn what your institution has to offer. 
  • We offer specialized individual fairs, such as Business, STEM, Arts and Faith Based, so you can target students who want to study in those specific areas. 
  • Network with guidance counselors in our Expand Your Knowledge fair. 
  • At this guidance counselor-only event, you will build long-term relationships with guidance counselors so they can recommend your institution to students throughout the school year. 
  • Join us as a Speaker or a Sponsor at any of our fairs to gain more exposure, add additional marketing for your institution, bring more students to your booth, and recruit students who specifically register for your speaking session. 


Even during the slower seasons, here at Worldwide College Tours we are incredibly busy helping you recruit all year long. 

Although student recruitment varies based on the time of year, it is still possible to recruit effectively year-round. There are many systems put in place, especially here at Worldwide College Tours, to help you enhance your recruitment process. Whether it is fall, winter, spring, or summer, there are students who are willing and ready to learn all they can about all the terrific things your institution has to offer them. 


Connect with one of our recruitment specialists to get assistance year-round on your international recruitment strategy

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